• States in Nigeria by Ecological Zone
      S/N Ecological Zone State LGAs 1 Sahel Savanna Yobe All LGAs Except Gulani, Gujba, Jakusko and Damaturu that are under Sudan Savanna 2 Borno All LGAs Except Shani, Hawul, Bayo, Biu, Kwayakusar, ...
  • Seed Cleaning and Preparation - TGx 1951-3F
    ·         Soybean seeds easily lose their viability. ·         It is common for soybeans, even when stored properly, not to germinate after 12 –15 months in ...
  • Site Selection - SAMMAZ 63
    ·       Maize is more extensively distributed globally than any other cereal crop because it adapts to a wide range of climates. ·       It needs a lot ...
  • Seed Treatment - SAMMAZ 63
      Treat maize seeds before planting using recommended dressing chemicals in order to protect them against soil borne pests, diseases and bird attack before and after ...
  • Spacing and Planting - SAMMAZ 63
      Plant at a spacing of 75cm x 50cm when two plants per stand or 75 x 25cm when one plant per stand is adopted. ...
  • Site Selection - FARO 67
    ·         Rice can be grown practically on all types of soil, sandy loams to heavy clays ·     A heavy soil, slightly acidic to neutral ...
  • Site Selection - FARO 67
    ·         Rice can be grown practically on all types of soil, sandy loams to heavy clays ·         A heavy soil, slightly acidic to neutral (PH ...
  • Seed Management and Priming
    ·         Seed treatment protects the crop from seed borne diseases and insects as well as gives better germination. ·         Chemical treatment should be undertaken with ...
  • Soil Health Management - FARO 67
    ·         Integrated nutrient management is the management of both organic and inorganic plant nutrients for optimal rice production while conserving the natural resource base essential ...
  • Site Selection - SAMPEA 20T
    A well-drained sandy loam soil is suitable for rainfed cowpea cultivation, while inland depressions or areas along lake shores can be utilized for dry season ...
  • Site Selection - SAMPEA 20T
    For cowpea cultivation in the Nigerian Sudan savannah region, the well-drained sandy loam soils typical of this area are ideal for rainfed production, while the ...
  • Seed Preparation - SAMPEA 20T
    Select seeds that are of good quality, without any damage, holes, or wrinkles. Well-stored seeds kept under optimal conditions will exhibit good germination rates. Farmers ...
  • Seed Treatment - SAMPEA 20T
      Treat the cowpea seeds with Apron XL® at a rate of 10 grams per 4-5 kilograms of seeds (one sachet), which will enhance good germination ...
  • Site Selection - TGx 1951-3F
    ·         A flat or moderately sloppy land with good drainage, ·         Avoid deep sandy or extremely gravel soil or waterlogged soils. Avoid heavy texture soil ...
  • Soybean Germination Test - TGx 1951-3F
    v  Test seeds for germination before planting. v  The germination rate should be 85% or more to obtain a good stand. To conduct a quick ...
  • Seed Rate - TGx 1951-3F
    v  About 50–70 kg (20–28 standard mudus) are required to obtain a population of 400,000 plants/ha under the spacing of 5cm X 50cm intra and ...
  • Seed Treatment - TGx 1951-3F
    Treat seeds with fungicides, such as Captan, Apron Plus, or Thiram, at the rate of 1 sachet/8 kg of seeds before planting for protection against ...
  • Soil Health Management - TGx 1951-3F
    ·         A good fertilizer recommendation for soybean production depends on a good soil test. Under normal conditions, soybean as a legume should provide itself with ...
  • Soil Health Management - TGx 1951-3F
    ·         A good fertilizer recommendation for soybean production depends on a good soil test. Under normal conditions, soybean as a legume should provide itself with ...
  • Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency - TGx 1951-3F
    (i)                 Nitrogen Deficiency: Leaves become pale green with a yellowish tinge; later the entire leaves become distinctly yellow; deficiency symptom usually appears first on leaves ...
  • Site Selection - Tylka
    Tomato requires a Temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius, It also requires a rainfall of 500-1200mm per annum and it grows best in well-structured soil but ...
  • Seed Treatment - Tylka
    ·         Treat seeds before planting using recommended dressing chemicals to protect them against soil-borne pests, diseases, and animal attacks before germination. Recommended chemicals for treating ...
  • Staking - Tylka
    Tomato seedlings are usually staked at the peak of the rainy season and this is done using canes that are at least 1m high, preferably ...
  • Site Selection - SAMMAZ 40
    ·     Maize is more extensively distributed globally than any other cereal crop because it adapts to a wide range of climates. ·    It needs ...
  • Site Selection - SAMMAZ 40
      ·       Maize is more extensively distributed globally than any other cereal crop because it adapts to a wide range of climates. ·    It needs a ...
  • Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency - SAMMAZ 63
    ·       Nitrogen Deficiency: Leaves yellow; older leaves dying at tips and progressively along mid-vein; stalks slender; stunting. ·       Phosphorus Deficiency: Leaves turn purplish during early growth; ...
  • Seed Treatment - SAMMAZ 48
      ·       Treat maize seeds before planting using recommended dressing chemicals in order to protect them against soil borne pests, diseases and bird attack before and ...
  • Spacing and Planting - SAMMAZ 48
      Plant at spacing of 75cm x 50cm when two plants per stand or 75 x 25cm when one plant per stand is adopted. Seed rate ·       ...
  • Spacing and Planting - SAMMAZ 48
      Plant at spacing of 75cm x 50cm when two plants per stand or 75 x 25cm when one plant per stand is adopted. ...
  • Seed Rate - SAMMAZ 48
    Seed rate ·      About 15 to 20kg of maize seeds are required to plant a hectare which is about 2½acre. Plant 3 seeds per hole, later ...
  • Soil Health Management - SAMMAZ 48
    Soil management v  It is important to return crop residues of the previous year into soil where maize is to be planted. Maize do not ...
  • Soil Health Management - SAMMAZ 48
      Soil management v  It is important to return crop residues of the previous year into soil where maize is to be planted. Maize do not ...
  • Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiency - SAMMAZ 48
    (i)          Nitrogen Deficiency: Leaves yellow; older leaves dying at tips and progressively along mid-vein; stalks slender; stunting. (ii)        Phosphorus Deficiency: Leaves turn purplish during ...
  • Site Selection - SC-SL01
    ·         Soybean growth is influenced by climate and soil characteristics. Soybean performs well in the southern and northern Guinea savannas of Nigeria where rainfall is ...
  • Seed Cleaning and Preparation - SC-SL01
    ·         Soybean seeds easily lose their viability. ·         It is common for soybean, even when stored properly, not to germinate after 12 –15 months in ...
  • Soybean Germination Test - SC-SL01
    ·         Test seeds for germination before planting. ·         The germination rate should be 85% or more to obtain a good stand. To conduct a quick ...
  • Seed Rate - SC-SL01
    v   ·         About 50–70 kg (20–28 standard mudus) are required to obtain a population of 444,444 plants/ha for soybean varieties. ·         Since soybean seed size varies ...
  • Seed Rate - SC-SL01
    About 50–70 kg (20–28 standard mudus) are required to obtain a population of 444,444 plants/ha for soybean varieties.  Since soybean seed size varies among varieties, it ...
  • Seed Treatment - SC-SL01
    Treat seeds with fungicides, such as Captan, Apron Plus, or Thiram, at the rate of 1 sachet/8 kg of seeds before planting for protection against ...
  • Soil Health Management - SC-SL01
    ·         A good fertilizer recommendation for soybean production depends on a good soil test. Under normal conditions, soybean as a legume should provide itself with ...
  • Site Selection - Chibli - Sudan Savanna
    Tomato requires a Temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius, It also requires a rainfall of 500-1200mm per annum and it grows best in well-structured soil but ...