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  • Crops / Cereals / Rice / Agroecological Zone / Lowland Varieties / FARO 67 / Agro Practices - FARO 67 / Land Preparation - FARO 67
    Land Preparation - FARO 67
    Answer: ·           Mechanization: For newly cleared areas, cut big trees before the rains preferably from November to February and remove all ...
  • Crops / Legumes / Cowpea / Cowpea Ecological Zones / Cowpea Varieties - Sudan Savanna / SAMPEA 20-T / Agro Practices for SAMPEA 20-T / Land Preparation - SAMPEA 20-T
    Land Preparation - SAMPEA 20T
    Answer: Remove any shrubs and stubble from the site. Alternatively, apply a herbicide like Glyphosate (Round-up) to the field at a ...
  • Crops / Legumes / Soybean / Soybean Varieties - Northern Guinea Savanna / SC-SL01 / Agro Practices - SC-SL01 / Land Preparation - SC-SL01
    Land Preparation - SC-SL01
    Answer: ·         Clear all vegetation before land preparation. The seedbed may be prepared manually with a hoe or animal-drawn implement or ...
  • Crops / Vegetables / Tomato / Tomato Varieties - Sahel Savanna / Tylka / Agro Practices - Tylka / Land Preparation - Tylka
    Land Preparation - Tylka
    Answer: Land to be used should be cleared at least four weeks before planting especially if it is virgin land. Other ...
  • Crops / Vegetables / Tomato / Tomato Varieties - Sudan Savanna / Chibli - Sudan Savanna / Agro Practices - Chibli - Sudan Savanna / Land Preparation - Chibli - Sudan Savanna
    Land Preparation - Chibli - Sudan Savanna
    Answer: Land to be used should be cleared at least four weeks before planting especially if it is virgin land. Other operations include ...
  • Crops / Cereals / Rice / Agroecological Zone / Lowland Varieties / FARO 67 / Agro Practices - FARO 67 / Soil Health Management - FARO 67
    Soil Health Management - FARO 67
    Answer: ·         Integrated nutrient management is the management of both organic and inorganic plant nutrients for optimal rice production while conserving ...
  • Crops / Cereals / Rice / Agroecological Zone / Lowland Varieties / FARO 67 / Agro Practices - FARO 67 / Pest and Disease Management - FARO 67
    Pest and Disease Management - FARO 67
    Answer:   PEST AND DISEASES MANAGEMENT Pest Management Integrated Pest Management (IPM) -          is the integration of available pest control tactics to maintain ...
  • Crops / Legumes / Soybean / Soybean Varieties - Sudan Savanna / TGx 1951-3F / Agro Practices - TGx 1951-3F / Land Preparation - TGx 1951-3F
    Land Preparation - TGx 1951-3F
    Answer: ·         Plough and harrow the soil. ·         Manually, stump and clear rubbish away from the site completely. ·         Ridging is ...
  • Crops / Vegetables / Tomato / Tomato Varieties - Sahel Savanna / Tylka / Agro Practices - Tylka / Nursery Preparation and Management - Tylka
    Nursery Preparation and Management - Tylka
    Answer: ·         Plant tomato seeds on a well-prepared seedbed or plastic trays filled with topsoil mixed with animal manure. ·          Sow on ...
  • Crops / Legumes / Soybean / Soybean Varieties - Sudan Savanna / TGx 1951-3F / Agro Practices - TGx 1951-3F / Soil Health Management - TGx 1951-3F
    Soil Health Management - TGx 1951-3F
    Answer: ·         A good fertilizer recommendation for soybean production depends on a good soil test. Under normal conditions, soybean as a ...